A goal without a plan is just a dream. Start saving for yours today.
I am interested in:
Holiday Club
If the Holiday season always seems to find you a little short of cash, your credit union has just the solution with our Holiday Club. This service is specifically designed to help you save for the holidays. The account is easy to open and provides an efficient and painless way to have cash on hand when you need it.
NYU FCU allows free withdrawals in November, December, and January. Withdrawing at any other time throughout the year can be done with a $5 fee, to encourage saving!
Open a Holiday Club Account with just $50.
Rate: 0.25%
APY: 0.25%
Dream Club
Save for whatever matters to you! You can save for a down payment, wedding, family event or absolutely anything. This account will be structured under the term of your choice to encourage you to stick to your goal of saving for your Dream! You have a choice of 6 months, 12 months, 18 months or 24 months.
Open a Dream Club Account with just $50.
Rate: 0.25%
APY: 0.25%
Lucky Savers Club
A Lucky Savers Club is a special term deposit (1 year) account at NYU Federal Credit Union that helps you build your savings while giving you a chance to win monthly and quarterly cash prizes! Every $25 deposit (up to $250 per month) into this account gets you a chance to win - up to 10 chances every month. Plus, all the money deposited into the Lucky Savers account is still yours and helps to build your savings. It's a win-win situation!
Each $25 deposit gives you a chance to win a quarterly prize of up to $5,000
Each $25 deposit gives you a chance to win a monthly prize of up to $100
To open an account, you:
Must be 18 years of age or older
A NYU Federal Credit Union member with accounts in good standing
Business and Trust accounts are not eligible for this account
Rate: 4.00%
APY: 4.06%
Par value of a share is $50. Minimum share balance $50. This amount must be maintained in the regular share account at all times in order to remain a member of this credit union.
Our savings accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration. We allow up to $250,000 in combined share/certificate deposits per member.
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